Sep 4, 2017 | News & Updates
Yes, Having Kids suggested that Prince William and Kate might forgo having a third child. We did so to encourage them to set an example of the most effective thing possible to mitigate climate change and protect the future. And yes, it appears the Royal family, and...
Aug 10, 2017 | News & Updates
When Having Kids sent a letter to Prince William and Kate Middleton respectfully offering up the Fair Start model as an alternative to the free-for-all of current family planning models, we mostly received positive reactions. And that was before the most recent...
Jan 4, 2017 | News & Updates
If you listen to conversations the people around you are having about choosing to have children, you might notice strangely conflicting advice. You’ll constantly hear that having kids is the most important decision a person can make in life, with lots of people lining...
Dec 6, 2016 | News & Updates
We support the Fair Start modelbecause we want to live out our commitment to protecting children, the environment, and the animals with whom we share the planet. We believe that smaller, loving families are critical to our future—to giving children the care and...
Nov 29, 2016 | News & Updates
Is having kids the one behavior that most influences our lives? Most parents will tell you that it is. Even if you haven’t had kids, it’s easy to imagine why they would have a huge impact: they change our day-to-day routines and the structure of our love and...