Support the
Fair Start Movement
Many individuals have chosen to make an investment in our mission by naming us as a beneficiary of their IRA, bank accounts or other financial interest or by including the following language in their will or trust:
I give, devise and bequeath to Fair Start Movement, a nonprofit organization whose mission is give children a fair start and who is incorporated as Having Kids, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with EIN 37-1731899; 5451 N Waterfield Dr Tucson, AZ 85750: _____ percent of my estate (or the sum of $____________; or _____ percent of the residue of my estimate to support Having Kids DBA Fair Start Movement.
To contact us or to discuss leaving a bequest or another planned gift, please contact Fair Start Movement at
Join Us to Give A Kid A Fair Start
Fair Start Movement, Inc.
5451 N Waterfield Dr
Tucson, AZ 85750
Effective Giving: 2024 Fundable Projects
Animal Mortality Calculator
The Animal Mortality Calculator is currently in development. This interactive tool will show individuals and policymakers in a quantifiable manner, how human population matters to animals. Created alongside experts, our model will use existing interdisciplinary data to measure direct human impact (in animals raised for meat, milk, and other products) and indirect impacts (including habitat loss, traffic-related mortality, and native carnivores killed to protect livestock) on animal life.
Though several publicly accessible animal “impact” resources and calculators exist, none helps individuals easily assess the impact of their family planning decisions on nonhuman life. Our science-based calculator will influence individuals and lawmakers by helping individuals conceptualize the impact of their family planning choices while educating the animal protection movement about the need to include growth policy in our campaigning to reduce animal suffering and death. The upshot is helping to build a sustainable world for animals and future humans.
Climate Litigation
Support constitutional litigation on behalf of the rights future generations.
Fair Start Direct Action
The climate crisis threatens the safety and security of kids and future generations. We will be speaking truth to power and demanding that those who are most responsible for climate change right their wrongs by funding Fair Start initiatives. Support direct action activities to shine a light on these players and hold them accountable.
Fair Start Policy
Local legislation adopting Fair Start modeling through Fair Start Bonds in Washington D.C. and San Francisco would significantly slash the rate of wealth inequality and intergenerational poverty and give kids a fair start in life. Help support advocacy efforts.
Funding a Fair Start: Fertility Delay Fund
There is no doubt: waiting to have kids is one of the most important factors in giving kids a fair start. The Fair Start Movement is organizing a Fertility Delay Fund to support this end which in turn results in smaller and more equitable families. Contact us if you’d like to join a growing number of funders willing to change the systems that simply reinforce hierarchies of power.