Jul 30, 2019 | News & Updates, Taking Action
Congratulations to royal family members Harry and Meghan for publicly embracing the idea smaller families, and opening up about the the ecological and social impact of family planning. In 2017 Having Kids publicly urged Prince William and Kate Middleton to embrace a...
Apr 19, 2018 | News & Updates
Meet Tricia and Mickey Bhotiwihok. Last year, on the heels of announcements that Prince William and Kate Middleton were having a third child, Los Angelinos Mickey and Tricia set a different example. Like Having Kids’ other Featured Families, Mickey and Tricia chose a...
Dec 14, 2017 | News & Updates
By now, you’ve seen the viral video of a polar bear starving on Canada’s Baffin Island, a symbol of the impacts of the climate change. The underlying driver of anthropogenic climate change is poor family planning. That’s why, as numerous studies have...
Sep 7, 2017 | News & Updates, Taking Action
On the heels of announcements that Prince William and Kate Middleton are having a third child, another couple – Los Angelinos Mickey and Tricia Bhotiwihok – are setting a different example. Instead of putting money into their children, they are giving thousands to...
Sep 4, 2017 | News & Updates
Yes, Having Kids suggested that Prince William and Kate might forgo having a third child. We did so to encourage them to set an example of the most effective thing possible to mitigate climate change and protect the future. And yes, it appears the Royal family, and...