Aug 28, 2024 | News & Updates
What Is Fairness at Base? Preemptive Discourses and Reparations That Change Birth and Development Conditions to Ensure Real Freedom, and Not the Freedom to Harm Causing the Climate and Other Crises Killing So Many Summary Climate reparations for kids enable...
Mar 15, 2022 | Inequality, Taking Action
It’s common to see people today sign their messages with a variety of pronouns. That act is meant to liberate people to identify themselves as they see fit – to self-determine, rather than be determined by others’ conceptions of gender, for example. Our language...
Jul 27, 2021 | fertility rates, Inequality, Taking Action
Systems of governance and their laws derive from people, who derive from their creation. Justice (distributive, procedural, retributive, ecological, intergenerational, etc.) and the rule law therefore begin in the dynamic formation of our first relations, or ideally,...
Jul 24, 2021 | Inequality, Taking Action
This past Fourth of July, two everyday people Cassie and Matt – exemplified what it would mean to constitute communities that are actually free, in part by compensating future generations for the harm we have caused them through the climate, inequity and other...
Jun 9, 2021 | Featured Families, fertility rates, Inequality
By Jenna Sherman, of Have you recently become interested in the philosophy behind the Fair Start Movement? From family planning reform to environmental activism, there are so many ways that people can get involved in order to establish a more...