Jan 18, 2024 | Featured Families, fertility rates, Headlines, Inequality, News & Updates, Taking Action
Free people feel obligated to follow the law because their legal system first empowered them – through birth and development conditions, with with a role in making the law and and thus ensuring the capacity for each to choose who has influence (including...
Aug 27, 2021 | News & Updates
There is a common mistake in all of our language and thinking that drives many of the crises we face today. Our brains have trouble perceiving how time and space interact, and this usually leads to bad long-term decision making. For example, we know promoting a...
Aug 18, 2021 | Inequality, News & Updates, Taking Action
Who has the most at stake when we have children? The children, given the impact on their lives. One would think, then, that in designing family planning systems our governments – which undertook that task in the mid-20th Century – would make them...
Jun 1, 2021 | News & Updates
Fact: Falling fertility rates and eventual population decline will have the most beneficial long-run impact on the climate and other ecological crises. And yet influential media like the New York Times, and politicians pushed by businesses that rely on unsustainable...
Mar 5, 2021 | News & Updates
The zero baseline model (ZBM, or constituting) is a concept used to reform family-planning laws and policies to correct critical errors made in prior modeling. These errors owe to treating the inherently interpersonal act of having kids as a matter personal to only...