Dec 10, 2019 | News & Updates
Beneath many of the headlines today there lurks a tension few see: Communities of people fighting for autonomy from the massive nations, and multinational corporations, that work together to control them. Hong Kong students fight for democracy against China, and...
Sep 1, 2019 | fertility rates, Inequality, News & Updates, Taking Action
Two billionaires got a lot of press recently by saying that underpopulation threatens humanity. It’s not the first time Elon Musk has suggested women are not having enough babies. It’s nonsense to say that depopulation poses any threat to our species...
Aug 8, 2019 | News & Updates
Humans are still evolving. But our family planning models are stuck in the past, and do not factor in things like the impact on our ecology, sustainability, inequality, or human rights and democracy. The models were designed decades ago by men who thought domination...
Jul 29, 2019 | News & Updates, Taking Action
Having Kids unveiled the Fair Start Order campaign in late 2017 and began petitioning state agencies to consider Fair Start Orders and legislation in 2018. We monitor the news for child abuse coverage and strategically select particularly egregious cases to target for...
Jul 2, 2019 | News & Updates
Recently a public health professional in California contacted Having Kids to discuss the impact of family planning on the lives of children. This is what they had to say. As a public health professional working for the City and County of San Francisco, I am passionate...