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The Fraud Killing Mostly Black Babies

The Fraud Killing Mostly Black Babies

What is FairStartMovement.org? Years of unrefuted research shows that as early as 1948 any form of authoritative governance would have had to be investing enough in each child to offset their influence equally, relative to a neutral position like Dasgupta's / Tucker's...

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What are Animal Rights, Law and Policy ?

What are Animal Rights, Law and Policy ?

    Humans are animals. Seeing us as such moves us away from anthrocentric thinking that ensured the climate crisis, and will kill millions. So, what we refer to as animal rights and law focus on nonhumans not because of their species, but because of their...

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Did the charity you give to make the climate crisis worse?

Did the charity you give to make the climate crisis worse?

Ask anyone claiming to good work in the world on any given day to account for #children being born that day without what the Children's Rights Convention promises those kids in resources and rights. Then ask the person claiming to do good to reassess their claims. You...

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