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What’s All the Talk About Fair Start and Violence?

What’s All the Talk About Fair Start and Violence?

Look at the daily horror stories of mass shootings in classrooms and other forms of violence.  All forms of violence, from domestic brutality, to mass shooters, to war crimes - all derive from top-down political systems that originate in the coercion of the vulnerable...

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The Idea of Democracy Without a Fair Start in Life is a Scam

The Idea of Democracy Without a Fair Start in Life is a Scam

Today the average person has less control over their lives as democracy degrades, and a few take over the lives of many - socially, and ecologically.  We can take that power back, because every child’s right to the things they need - like having a voice that matters...

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Nour Belokda Speaks Out

Nour Belokda Speaks Out

Nour Belokda works as Fair Start activist in Washington, D.C. According to Nour:  As a feminist and female lobbyist from the Middle East living in Washington, D.C., I urge our lawmakers to seize the opportunity for our city to become a leader in implementing the...

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