Vox’s Coverage of the Climate Crisis, Oligarchic Threats to Democracy, and Animal Rights Does More Harm Than Good. Act.
If you comb through coverage on the Vox news site regarding a variety of issues - including the environment, population, democracy, animal rights, etc. - you will see something odd. They never trace all of these problems back to the source: Unsustainable and...
The Basic Mistake Driving the Climate Crisis
The book Winners Take All helps us understand how philanthropy over the last decades failed in ways that ensured the climate crisis. But author Anand Giridharadas, @anandwrites, misses the most salient example of the failure: How we collectively violated children’s...
Violating Children’s Right to a Fair Start Did More Harm Than Pew Trusts Has Done Good. Act.
A recent article has quoted Pew Trusts on the threat smaller families and eventual population decline pose to our future. That hides the fact that the organization for decades has violated most of its mission parameters by relying on unsustainable and inequitable...
A Story About Deadly Privilege: Why the World Needs Fair Start Reforms
Violating children's right to a fair start in life, or what they are owed under the Children's Rights Convention, has done more harm to public interest efforts than any organization has done good because 1) it has allowed inequitable growth - the greatest driver...
Urge Justice Expert Martha Nussbaum to Back Fair Start Reforms
Martha Nussbaum is a leading thinker on matters of justice, including justice for animals. But she never accounts for the a primary obligation to create just and mutually empowering relations, in the actual birth, development and emancipation of the humans who will...
Urge Harvard’s Michael Sandel to Tell the Truth. Take Action.
Professor Michael Sandel is a leading thinker in political philosophy and justice, and his work has helped define the field. But as the climate crisis intensifies and kills millions who had little role in causing or exacerbating it, and at a time where a small...
What is a Fair Start in Life?
Sufficient funding that ensures no child is born beneath a set level of entitlement, consistent with the Children’s Rights Convention (“Convention”) and Right to a Healthy Environment, is exponentially the most just and effective way to protect our future and...
Fair Start Fact Checking Animal Rights Philanthropist Brad Goldberg. Take Action.
The field of animal law, rights, and protection has been around for a long time. It is one of the most aspirational areas of justice, aiming to protect and liberate nonhumans from the horrors humans inflict upon them. But as the climate crisis unfolds, and more...
Fair Start Reforms Are the Heart of Conservatism
Fair Start reforms would ensure the things those who love freedom care about. Eliminating entrenched and ineffective governments who survive by wasting tax dollars Ensuring responsible parenting that halts the sea of child abuse and neglect which exists today Ending...