2023 - horizontal white fair-start-movement most effective tagline

What is it you're looking for?

Look at the daily horror stories of mass shootings in classrooms and other forms of violence. 

All forms of violence, from domestic brutality, to mass shooters, to war crimes – all derive from top-down political systems that originate in the coercion of the vulnerable by the powerful, rather than the inclusion and empowerment of children into legitimate democracies.

National legitimacy derives from and is contingent upon including in a measurable way subjects as free and equal constituents, so that they have the capacity to choose who has influence over them, and legal institutions have the capacity to represent its constituents.

Reorienting from being obligated top-down to instead empowering from the bottom-up also holds promise to reduce violence by rejecting any legitimate representative authority of the state to use it to block constitutive reparations, or to otherwise role model illegitimate violence for those around us





The fix?

Take wealth from the top and use it to fund women having any child they wish to have in safe conditions where the child is actually empowered in a measurable way.

That’s the most just and effective use of your money – starting in the upstream who we should be, not just the less effective downstream of what we do. 




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