Nov 13, 2023 | Featured Families, fertility rates, Headlines, Inequality, News & Updates, Taking Action
Freedom really – or physically – means some relative level of self-determination. You would control your life and what influences you. Influence over you would be limited and highly decentralized. And if you wanted to maximize freedom, you would have to...
Oct 28, 2023 | Featured Families, fertility rates, Headlines, Inequality, News & Updates, Taking Action
The Fair Start Movement is a reaction to many individuals and organizations claiming to do public interest work, the benefits of which they were simultaneously undoing with outdated family policies that quietly and slowly enriched a few at deadly cost to many. Fair...
Mar 15, 2022 | News & Updates, Taking Action
Solving the biggest problems we face, from the climate crisis to growing inequality, requires effective action. There is no way to be truly effective without planning ahead and adopting family planning policies that invest more in kids and restore nature. Here are...
Mar 15, 2022 | Inequality, News & Updates, Taking Action
By Timothy David Ray Last year, Having Kids proposed an amendment to the Colorado Constitution that would have enshrined into law, policies that reduced inequality of resources and opportunities for all children born in the state, as well as enhanced natural...
Mar 15, 2022 | fertility rates, Inequality, Taking Action
Having Kids is working closely with leaders in Colorado to develop an amendment to the state’s constitution that would guarantee every child a fair start in life, both ecologically and socially. Click below to read the proposal: A Fair Start for Colorado’s...