2023 - horizontal white fair-start-movement most effective tagline

What is it you're looking for?

Fair Start reforms would ensure the things those who love freedom care about. 

  • Eliminating entrenched and ineffective governments who survive by wasting tax dollars
  • Ensuring responsible parenting that halts the sea of child abuse and neglect which exists today
  • Ending unsustainable and universal growth models that are intended to ensure cheap labor via constant migration
  • Ensuring the protection of rights to bear arms consistent with governance by constituents who trust one another
  • And creating truly self-determining lives and relations that evade the need for climate migration, and are consistent with national security, etc.



Funding every child’s right to a fair start in life – over competing  rights – is the most just and effective solution to the many crises we face today. It has an exponentially greater impact than most other interventions, many of which are being undone as children enter the world without the things they need.

Ask anyone claiming to do good in the world how children being born without what they need undid the claimed benefit. Current policies have increased overall child abuse and neglect – including child torture and death, undone most of the efforts to mitigate climate change, degraded democracy and increased racial and other deadly inequities.



No child should ever be born outside a structure of debt/savings accounts that protect all children from the climate crisis by including and empowering them with their universal birthright.

Our obligations to fund that accounting come before anything we do because it ensures fundamental justice; it creates the inclusive and empowering “we.”  Without this we can’t choose who has influence, and control, over us. We can’t be free.

TAKE ACTIONS: 1) Donate here to enable Fair Start to change family systems,  2) sign here to say you think a Fair Start in life is the first human right, 3) urge any charity you support – regardless of the issue – to admit not prioritizing funding for young women and fair starts in life for all kids did more harm to their missions than they did good. 

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