Years and Billions Into Philanthropy and the World is Worse Off. Here’s Why.
Nour Belokda Speaks Out
Nour Belokda works as Fair Start activist in Washington, D.C. According to Nour: As a feminist and female lobbyist from the Middle East living in Washington, D.C., I urge our lawmakers to seize the opportunity for our city to become a leader in implementing the...
Sign On to Fight for a Fair Start in Life for All Kids
Fair Start maintains an open letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations requiring him, under law, to publicly back standardization of climate damages to benefit the inants being harmed. Those who believe every child has a right to a fair start in life - and...
Fairness Fridays Make Meatless Mondays Taste Better.
Meatless Mondays, the brainchild of Sid Lerner, have been a big hit: "Inspired by the meat reduction campaigns of World War I and II, Sid conceived of and launched Meatless Monday with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in 2003. The simple concept of...
Factchecking the Weeden Foundation.
Funding that ensures no child is born beneath a set level of entitlement, consistent with the Children’s Rights Convention and Right to a Healthy Environment, is exponentially the most just and effective way to protect our future and free all of us. We can do it using...
Factchecking the Organization “We Don’t Have Time.” Take Action.
Finding: The organization perpetuates inequities by failing to address the climate and social costs of inequitable births. Their Claim: "We Don’t Have Time is a movement and a tech startup that leverages the power of social media to hold leaders and companies...
An Open Letter to the BLSA: Reparations Fraud – It’s at Your Law School, Firm, and Nonprofit
Summary There is now an action before the United Nations that redefines what it means to be a just nation in which individuals are empowered in the creation of actual relations - through birth, development, and emancipation. The action focuses on the fallacy of...
The Biggest Threat to You Today? The Best Solution?
Problem: The human and reproductive rights regimes instituted in 1948 included no minimum and concretely measurable standards of welfare, equity, or freedom for future children, a mistake that ensured vast inequality and growth leading to the climate and other crises...
What is the Fair Start Movement? A Constitutional Watchdog Asking Questions and Seeking One Change: To Start All Fully Accounting for Freedom
We make sure those claiming to do good are not quietly undoing it, for their own benefit. We simply ask: For any claim of doing good, how is the one making the claim accounting for the most impactful factor: The resources and empowerment with which children enter the...