The climate crisis is already killing millions, and is forecast to quickly escalate. Women and children are some of the most likely to die.
Future generations will die in heat waves because of what we – or more specifically older generations – did.
At base, the crisis was caused because our political systems allowed some to accumulate wealth without accounting for the costs that wealth was imposing on the environment and future generations, and also the costs of investing enough in birth, development, and emancipatory conditions for all children that would have protected them even in the face of ecological disaster.

Many would say the wealth was made illegally, in violation of established children’s rights and the right to a healthy environment. Many in the Fair Start Movement have worked for scammy animal rights or environmental charities that were being funded by wealthy families that wanted to hide these facts.
These charities literally started by backing illegal, cost-shifting entitlements in the industries they claimed to oppose because to question those would mean questioning the entitlements of their funders. Instead, they chose less effective campaigns that were being undone by growth. That was a huge mistake,
And they succeeded in hiding the facts and the shifting of wealth – enough to threaten a billion deaths by the end of the century. Anyone claiming to create a benefit is quietly undoing their work and furthering illegitimate and non-inclusive political systems by not first ensuring share equity for children entering the world, which means an equal and influential capacity for all to self-determine the social and ecological influences others have over other them.
Here is how to fix what went wrong. Wealth is owed for the costs it placed on others, and if it is taken to fund young women to plan their families in a way that avoids the harm – and would save millions of lives, it can be taken by all means effective.

As children of wealthy parents, you can help move the funds and avoid carrying the death debt your parents would leave you with.
As things get worse you will be targeted for what your parents did. Don’t fall into that trap.
Why all means effective? Moving money, made illegally, to save millions of lives, morally overrides property rights.
Also, it’s physically impossible to have a legally obligating “we” – the one that expressly or impliedly precedes all legitimate national constitutions, without measurable birth equity, but rich families, corrupt officials, and religious interests worked together – between 1948 and 1968 – to hide this fact and make us think that national sovereignty and entitlements to wealth are magically inherent, rather than having to derive from the measurable sovereignty or self-determination of its subjects.

The only way to ensure share equity is to entitle would-be parents to only bring children into the world above a certain threshold of planned conditions measurable on eight metrics, and given that wealth was made at deadly climate costs to future generations, that wealth must be used to ensure the conditions.
TAKE ACTION: Urge your parents 1) to admit the facts above, and 2) to only fund work that prioritizes share equity override – the right to be measurably empowered before any other right, which will actually protect the most numerous and vulnerable victims of the mistakes prior generations made.