Deal with the cause not the symptom.
The Fair Start Tell the Truth campaign just asks one question.
The one question: If you were claiming to create market value, public interest impact, or to exercise authority as government officials or holders of wealth, please explain how were you accounting for children entering the world relative to their rights and especially to political equity as you made your claims? Just the same way we have equity in a company, we have equity in your democracy. Our share depends on how many others are in it, the varying levels of influence they have, the impact on the environment around the democracy, etc.
The answer is that few of us were accounting for such things, because no one ever told us that how we measure value and impact, and derive governmental authority and entitlement to wealth, is actually conditional on empowering people and not harming them.
Instead world leaders in the Twentieth Century assumed entitlements and authority they should not have, which fundamentally led to the crisis.
Fact: Our benefitting from growth economics built on violations of children’s birth rights did more harm than any of us did good. We don’t get to legitimate nations by having zero functional protections for children as they enter the world, and thus for the nonhuman world they will impact. The growth those violations enabled has degraded the capacity of the Earth to support infant health, the only true measure of value.
We can’t get to justice from injustice and constitute a just future without actual measurable equity in birth and development. How do you constitute a just nation? Through language – by admitting and Telling the Truth about justice undone daily by birth inequity – that accurately captures our first obligations, deriving back and conditioning wealth and authority on actually empowering people.
The Fair Start Movement was formed to engage in fundamental fact checking and reparations recovery, rooting out reparations fraud, and use of the same fundamentally illegal standard of entitlements that caused the crisis by those who would choose it to avoid liability for the crisis, and for life-saving and legitimating reparations. Abstracting from the creation of power relations, from the birth and development of kids, ignoring the undoing of our work, makes justice performative.
Fact: World leaders collectively violated children’s right to a fair start in life, by using unsustainable growth and loss of political equity to degrade ecosocial birth and development conditions beneath a key threshold, all based on separate but equal family planning policies that assuming children of color deserved much fewer resources and much more risk.
The growth those violations enabled has degraded the capacity of the Earth to support infant health, the only true measure of value. This is exacerbated by vast inequity and political disenfranchisement that inhibits the ability of the average constituent to change our current trajectory, and all of this loss of freedom and welfare is measurable by widely accepted metrics used for assessing sustainable development using a shell/ponzi scheme, identified as such by Nobel laureates, which has caused the deaths of millions of innocent persons around the world.
Fair Start activists in prior employment used wealth, and false assessment and reporting standards, to create a fantasy world of social justice impacts based on entitlements that made our claimed mission impossible, drowning out the truth that hid the drivers causing the world we are experiencing today. Many others did the same.
Reporting Impacts out of context is harmful because some kids benefit at deadly cost to others when we leave key information out, hiding violations of children’s rights that cost millions of lives and trillions of dollars, harming families and businesses throughout places like Uganda.
Do you believe all kids deserve a fair start in life, yes or no? If yes you will back this reform.
Fair Start is a permanent, universal method for just resistance to and freedom from illegal power, which is any power that is not derived from the people.