2023 - horizontal white fair-start-movement most effective tagline

What is it you're looking for?

By Jenna Sherman, of parent-leaders.com

Have you recently become interested in the philosophy behind the Fair Start Movement? From family planning reform to environmental activism, there are so many ways that people can get involved in order to establish a more equitable society for children and parents. Maybe learning about this concept has even sparked your interest in starting your own nonprofit! If you’re considering this major undertaking, check out these resources first.

The First Steps

Starting a nonprofit doesn’t happen overnight. Here are a few tasks that belong on your checklist!

  • Want to build your nonprofit around family planning? Read up on the movement to find out how your nonprofit can become part of it!
  • Work out everything from your fundraising strategy to your overall message in your initial business plan.
  • Next, you need to think about your budget — be realistic about how much you expect to bring in and spend.
  • Finally, you can begin hiring your first team members! Look for candidates with a combination of skills and passion.

Money Matters

How can you bring in funds for your organization? And how can you ensure that your money goes far? These financial management tips will help!

  • These strategies can make your fundraising efforts more effective.
  • From tracking important dates to distributing paychecks on time every month, a payroll software and calendar template that automatically does calculations for you is a great tool.
  • Don’t forget about everything you’ll need to take care of come tax season! Check out your reporting requirements ahead of time.

Great Management Skills

You want to polish your leadership skills and motivate your team to succeed. These resources are full of essential management recommendations.

You might feel simultaneously excited and nervous about starting your nonprofit. At first, you will have a lot to learn about nonprofit management! But as time goes on, you’ll realize that you’re making a real impact, and building a brighter future is possible.

Want to create a better world for all children? Get involved with the Fair Start Movement. Sign up on our website today to find out how you can lend a hand to our campaigns!

Photo via Pexels

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