Feb 4, 2022 | fertility rates, News & Updates, Taking Action
Dear Secretary General Gutteres, and Directors Kanem, Andersen, and Russell, Several United Nations member states, ignoring the impacts on the climate crisis, the pandemic, human rights, and the sustainable development goals, are intensifying pronatal programs that...
Jun 7, 2021 | Taking Action
Dear Director Andersen, World Environment Day 2021 provided a crucial opportunity for the United Nations to make good on its promise to reset humanity’s relationship with nature. But by continuing to adhere to a family planning model that allows unfettered...
Jun 4, 2020 | News & Updates
Today, Having Kids is urging 100 key world environmental influencers to move from our current and failing and unsustainable approach to family planning to a cooperative system based on what all children objectively need. This new system is based upon a variety of...