Mar 15, 2022 | Inequality, Taking Action
It’s common to see people today sign their messages with a variety of pronouns. That act is meant to liberate people to identify themselves as they see fit – to self-determine, rather than be determined by others’ conceptions of gender, for example. Our language...
Aug 18, 2021 | Inequality, News & Updates, Taking Action
Who has the most at stake when we have children? The children, given the impact on their lives. One would think, then, that in designing family planning systems our governments – which undertook that task in the mid-20th Century – would make them...
Apr 21, 2021 | fertility rates, Inequality, Taking Action
In the 20th Century world population growth exploded. That growth is continuing, and fundamentally driving massive inequity of wealth and power between the rich and poor as the conditions of our birth hang upon us throughout our lives. We are getting more crowded and...
Apr 16, 2021 | News & Updates
Focus in on almost all work done by those who hold themselves out as animal protectionists and you will see them focused on the particular behaviors of those who abuse animals. From research labs, to factory farms, to puppy mills, our brains – given to think in...
Jul 1, 2019 | News & Updates, Taking Action
Everyone at Having Kids was happy to see Wajahat Ali’s TED Talk “The case for having kids.” The presentation breaks the taboo that surrounds talking about the need for better family planning policies and closes with a plea to invest in current and...