Prarthana Prakash recently published an article entitled ” Millennials and Gen Z won’t have enough kids to sustain America’s population—and it’s up to immigrants to make up the baby shortfall.”
The title says it all. So what’s the problem? Babies are not economic inputs, and her article ignores the obvious harm her writing does.
- America’s population growth has helped ensure the climate crisis. The question is not how we continue unsustainable growth, it is rather how we repay future generations for the costs we imposed on them. And by ignoring birth conditions, Prarthana risks children’s lives, and ensures many will die in horrific conditions.
- Leading literature on political theory suggests we can recoup those costs by all means effective because fair creation norms – the ensure climate restoration and birth equity – precede government’s authority to issue property rights to the contrary.

- Prarthana’s push for babies to grow the economy provides no standards for parental readiness or birth equity. As a result, she’s propping up a system that is exacerbating inequity and horrific child abuse. Why? Because, per her article, we need that for economic growth – the sort of growth that one Nobel Laureate called a Ponzi scheme.
- The immigration issue she raises does not alter this problem – those children will be born somewhere, and rather than exploiting them Prarthana should be promoting systems that ensure they are born and raised in ecosocial conditions that comply with the Children’s Convention.
TAKE ACTION: Urge Prarthana at her LinkedIn to change course and promote investing in children, not exploiting them for growth.
And urge Fortune’s editor here to run articles that build a better future, not more of the same thinking that created the ecocide and inequity we face today. Fortune has the resources to improve our future, or continue systems that hurt people. They should choose the future.