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One recent spate of comments on Reddit suggests that, yes, millennials are quite thoughtful about having kids.

[M]ost of the people who participated in this discussion feel very strongly that now is not a great time to bring a child into the world. Some of the posters mentioned that at one point in their life they thought they might want to have a family, but that with the state of things, they no longer want to add to the population. Another major theme in this conversation thread was money. With so many millennials in debt with student loans and minimal wages, it’s hard for them to even fathom ever having the money to support another life beyond their own. The general sense is that everyone’s struggling and not in a position to take on more responsibility.

The article discussing the Reddit thread (quoted above) contrasts these concerns with a more carefree approach to family planning taken by prior generation and wonders which approach is best. But what the article misses—consistent with our ingrained isolationist view of having kids—is the relationship between past and present family planning.

Are millennials’ choices limited because past generations were so carefree that they had enough children to severely degrade the world’s environment? Are their choices limited because past generations ignored how family planning affects inequality and had kids in circumstances where not all children got the things they needed to be happy in life?

Did past generations’ abuse of their right to have children limit our rights to have children?

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